Saturday, June 14, 2014

Big Apple or Bust...

Once upon a time, a teenage girl ran away from her Transylvania, Louisiana home and headed for the Big City.  It took her a long time to earn her way out of The Sticks and a chain of little Bumpkin Towns, mainly via some rather unsavory jobs, one of which was stripping in a little truck-stop bar in rural Georgia called "The Wild Blue Yonder".

The management of "The Yonder" figured what with her Slavic looks and Rumanian heritage, they should probably play up what they shrewdly called "The Dracula Angle".  So that's how "Vampirella" was born.  Other gyrating bods on duty also had practical, real-world connections, like her co-workers Axle, Shifter and Miss Hubcaps.

But all good things must eventually end, and after a few months, that wide-spot in the road town saw the last of the dancin' dervish in the crimson one-piece bathing suit. They say she's sewn that thang herself.  It was quite a sight when it got whipped off about a dozen times each night.

A dead uncle's inheritance showed up later in a NYC PO box and working days were over.  So was the "Vampirella" identity thing, now left to blow around like Autumn leaves through a few beer-soaked psyches back in Georgia.

Oh, they never forgot their little Vampi.

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